Thursday, 19 April 2012

Almost Famous

I recently joined the contest organised by NTV7 What Men Want, which is the Win Narmi's Heart contest. Well, Narmi has announced the winner today, in a video!

I was kind of bummed that I didn't win, but that's okay. At least I tried, right? :) To think that I almost didn't submit my entries, I'm glad I did, otherwise, my poem won't be read by Narmi himself in the video.

I'm so happy that both my entries (my blog post and my poem) made it, and although Narmi won't be coming to Kuching to serenade me, it's so cool that he actually likes my poem. I hope he will make it into a song like he said he would.

Narmi told me on Twitter that he's coming to Kuching for a show soon, and it's in negotiation process. Now that's something I won't miss for the world! Woohoo! I'll drag my friend along if Jojo won't accompany me. :D

Thanks NTV7 for the contest, and thanks Narmi for picking my entries among the many. Yay!


  1. That is awesome! He likes your poem and gonna make it a song. How cool is that when terpampang your name as the song lyricist. Awesome! Congrats Debbie.

    1. Thanks Kak Emi! I"m so happy I took the risk, even though I thought my poem wasn't good. :)


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