Thursday 17 November 2011

Entering Singledom

Well, I am officially single. Should I be happy? Yes, and I am happy with my status now. Should I say I'm single and unavailable? Perhaps. 

Less than 10 days to go to my very first bazaar! As always, I make myself feel excited about it, and then I feel like I'm not prepared. All sorts of questions come to mind, like what if no one buys anything? Oh well, I'm going to try and make the most of the opportunity, and make as many new friends as I can. :) Networking is everything nowadays, right?

I'm going to be 30 in about a month's time, and oh boy! I haven't even enjoyed my 20s yet! I'm not sure how I should celebrate the big 3-0 but I know I will be celebrating with my Capri friends in Kuching, and also with Jojo.

I can't even remember my 2011 new year's resolution, to be honest. All I know is I want to be happy, and this year, I've made decisions for me and my well being, and not solely for others. I've made sacrifices for the people I love, and what do I get? I get to be dumped over the phone, AFTER I've asked him what he wants to do about our relationship. Yup, that's what I got from the coward.

Anyway, I've lost almost 10 kgs since I came back to Kuching, so that's good, right? I'm taking control of my life, and not letting others tell me what I should do with it. I'm saying no and mean it, and saying yes to things I've never thought I'd do.

What about you? What have you done to be in control of your life?

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